Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Nation Wide Problem

In American, we have a huge problem. The problem is obvious, to us and to the world. Americans are obese. Over two-thirds of our population are over healthily weight.

The definition of obese is “extremely fat, grossly overweight.” The definition applies to us. Walk down the street and just observe. We are so used to seeing “chunky” people that we don't even notice it anymore unless “chunky” has been changed to “fat.”

Walking down the average downtown New York City street is so different from walking down a street in downtown Tokyo. Obviously, the environment is different but that's not what we are looking at. Look at the people, in America; we don't even realize the extent of our weight problem.

Naturally, we notice people who can't fit through doors, but we aren't seeing that the average person's fudge around the waist. Compared that to other countries and we see the difference.

But why is this? Whose fault is it? Well, who eats all the food? We do. The obesity plague is our own fault. Retailers don't shove food down our throats; we put it into our mouths. Another reason is the lack of exercise. Americans, and especially children, don't spend as much time outside then the generations before us. Children spend more time inside, playing video games, then outside running around. Also adults work more and are more stressed, this causes weight gain.

Since people are too busy they usually don't have time to fix a healthy meal for their families, or themselves. As a result they eat cheap, fast food which is high in fat and carbs.

I'm not saying that it is out entire fault. The products on the grocery store shelves are a problem also. But, on the other had, we have always an abundant supply of fruit and veggies! Eat those! Also spend more time outside. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Ride a bike instead of driving. Join a gym. Eat either and encourage children to create healthy habits. Hopefully, the next generations won't have an obesity epidemic to add to their list of things to solve.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree, we should take advantage of our many opportunities to live a healthy lifestyle which people in third-world countries never dream of having.
