The world is waiting to be discovered.
Get out of Iowa and see new cultures, meet new people, learn new
things. My sister lives by these words. She was one of the few people
in her graduating class to go to an out-of-state college. She took
the chance and ended up loving it. She graduated with an Early
Childhood Education degree and is now teaching first grade in
Honduras. Honduras is a whole new world. The culture is so amazing
and the people's opinions are different than Americans.
My sister came home for the holidays
and had major culture shock. Every aspect of live is different than
Honduras, which is considered a third world country. Here are some
- School Lunches- In Honduras, the moms bring their children hot lunch everyday. They bring the lunches to the school gate and hand them to the muchachas (janitors). Their meals usually consist of tortillas, beans, eggs, meat, and rice. All of the food is freshly made, not all of this processed crap that Americans eat everyday. The children are also feed a lot because in Honduran culture it is very important for children to look healthy, not skinny. This is interesting because many families are poor and have a hard time putting food on the table but their children will still look well fed.
- Everything is for show- Honduran people are very poor considered to the rest of the world but they will act like they are not. They want their families, houses, and themselves to look perfect. Its just part of the culture.
- Men are lazy- In Honduras, women do most of the work. They raise the children, keep up the house, and run the family while men sit around. Adultery is also very common. Men just feel like they can do whatever they want.
- Things are cheaper- For example, my sister bought a Honduran cell phone for five american dollars. She only makes $350 a month, which is just enough to get by. Fruit costs about 50 cents and only $5.
- Families live together- Mostly, the whole family, including aunts, uncles, children, cousins, and grandparents, live in the same house. They all work together to support the family and to raise the children.
Overall, Honduras is very different
than America. We would think that some of their customs are “odd”
but they would think the same about us. Traveling the world gives you
insight about different cultures and turns you into a well-rounded
person. (420)
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