Monday, September 3, 2012

Movie Stays True to Book

           The Hunger Games Saga has become an international phenomenon. Its a three book series that sets place in the future country of Panem. The story follows Catniss, a strong and adventurous girl, on her fight against the government and as she battles through the Hunger Games. These books can be read by almost all ages and once you start its hard to put the books down.

The story has a mixture of action, romance and friendship. You learn to love all the characters and you really feel as though you are going through their life's with them. In March of 2012 the first book premiered as a blockbuster hit. It was considered the movie of the spring season. The cast for the movie were picked perfectly and really portrayed the characters well. The movie really stayed true to the book.

For example, it showed exactly how Catniss lives in a poor area and that they will do anything to make it by. There were even things said in the movie that were word for word from the book. This is very rare for books that are made into movies. Another example of how the movie stayed true to the book was how they portrayed the Hunger Games. It showed just how awful and scary the games are. The actors did a great job at showing the fear felt by the characters as they were competing in the Hunger Games. Most of the actions scenes were just how they are in the book and are really close to how you picture the scenes as you read the book. I would strongly recommend reading The Hunger Games and watching the movie. You will become a instant fan.      (287 words)

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