Monday, September 10, 2012

School Lunches Gone Bad

Each year lunches here at Kennedy are getting worse and worse. My freshmen year we could get as many desserts as we want and they also had Pizza Hut pizza every day. My older siblings said that when they were students at Kennedy the cafeteria offered Hy-Vee Chinese and many other options. It seems that each year we are offered fewer options than the year before.

My sophomore year (last year) they changed from having Pizza Hut every day to only on Monday and Wednesday. I felt like that was pretty reasonable considering Pizza Hut pizza is very fattening and high in carbs. Also last year you could only get on dessert per meal. And we thought that was bad but we had no idea about what was in store for next year…..

NO DESSERTS. WHAT?! Yup that’s right. No more cookies, cake or cookie dough. Nothing. Zip, zero, nada.  Now instead of desserts you have to get a fruit or vegetable. It’s not like you have a choice on whether or not you want a fruit or vegetable, you are forced to take one. The lunch ladies will make you go back in line and take one. First off, I’m not sure how old those fruits and vegetables are and how many pesticides have been sprayed on them to stay fresh. Secondly, I simply do not want a fruit or vegetable!

I understand why we are given more healthy options; two-thirds of the countries citizens are overweight but why are we not allowed to have a simple dessert? We are almost adults now and we know the consequences of eating too much of unhealthy foods.  So all I have to say is thanks Michelle Obama for implementing the Healthy Kids Act. Now I can’t enjoy a simple cup of cookie dough after a long morning of note taking and tests. Thank you, thank you very much…

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