Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Heck Week #1

Is it already past midterm?  Really? Does anybody know where time went? Because I sure don’t. We are officially 30 days into the school year. That means only 150 more days of pointless lectures, annoying people and long lunch lines. Since it is half way through the trimester, its test time. It seems that almost every teacher is giving a test over what we’ve learned since school started. I’m totally okay with taking large unit tests, it’s just a part of school that has to be done. But please teachers, don’t schedule all your tests on the same day, or during the same week.

My plea for help didn’t work. This week seems to be that one week were there is a test in every class. There honestly isn’t enough time in the day for everything. This causes late nights and early mornings, stressful moments during class when you really wish you studied more, and the occasionally screams into pillows will lying in bed thinking about all the crap that has to be done. Sometimes I wish I could just pause the day for an hour and take a nap. A nice long rest would be nice. Some time for quality REM sleep or have time to watch my favorite TV show.  

Sometimes while studying I get to the point that I know I’m going to do bad no matter how hard I study. It’s probably my brain just complaining about how much it doesn’t want to study for 5 hours straight. But we just gotta push through those hard times. All the hours of studying will be worth it in the long run. All of the AP classes which cause countless stressful nights of cramming, will be worth it. Actually I’m not sure if it will, but right now we don’t have time to think about what this will do for us in the long run. We just know we have to do it.

So thank you teachers, for coming together and deciding to have your tests on the same day. We really truly appreciate it. So thoughtful of you all, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next. Let us know when you have your meeting to decide the next week of hell. Maybe we can have some representatives at this meeting to state our case. LETS ELMINATE EXAMINATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.

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