Sunday, October 21, 2012


Success - it's a simple word with a million definitions. As our life flies by, before we
know it we will be sitting close to the end, looking back at our life thinking: “Was I successful? Did I make something of myself?” Only you can answer these questions, with your own definition of success. To me, success isn't measured by how much money you make, how big your house is but by learning and growing everyday, caring and loving everyone and most importantly being happy.

Happiness is something that seems hard to get but its easier than we think. Sometimes we just go through the motions in life, we get so used to a certain lifestyle. Everyone is so busy all the time and its seems that stress is all we ever feel. I have to do this, do that, get this done or turn in that. If you just stop for a moment and think about how truly lucky we are. Maybe our stress is coming from hard classes in school but remember that many kids around the world don't have access to a good education. Maybe our stress is coming from sport but remember that we are grateful to get the chance to play a sport. Maybe our stress is coming from family, we are lucky to have people that love us.

For couple minutes, just stop everything and think about all that you have, not what you don't have, and that is happiness. Happiness is accepting the fact that life is hard and really sucks sometimes but that its something we can't control. Happiness comes with acceptance not from money, a lot of friends, or fancy things. Happiness is simple but we make it complicated.

So take a moment to just relax and think. Look up at the sky and remember that there are a lot bigger problems in the world than what we are dealing with in our personal lives'. By doing that, happiness will come and you will be successful.

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