Thursday, December 13, 2012

All About Christmas

This blog is going to be all about CHRISTMAS! I might go off on some tangents but that's because I can't think about any thing else to blog about. Christmas time is here, full of joy and cheer. Yes, yes it is. The sad thing is that it honestly doesn't feel like Christmas. Where did time go? I remember when I was young used to count down the days till Christmas day. It seemed like an eternity. Now Christmas sneaks up on us so quick, I barely have time to go gift shopping!

Gift shopping is so stressful and I am honestly the worst person when it comes to buying gifts. I just never know what to get people. I need to be more creative. I definitely need to be more creative. I usually just end up going with the classic gift card. I mean gift cards are great, they just aren't the most exciting gift. When you open a gift card its like, “Oh yay! This is cash that I can only spend at one place.” The worst thing is that by the time I come up with something creative to get I usually have to order it. Then when I go to order it, shipping has to take forever and it won't make it here by Christmas. My goal this year is to get at least one person a original gift.

Another great thing about Christmas season is food. So. Much. Food. All. The. Time. My mom loves to bake so we always have cookies and cake. The best kind of cookies are the peanut butter ones with the Hershey Kiss on top. YUM. We still make cookies for Santa and his helpers. Every Christmas morning the milk is gone and the cookies are eaten. I wonder who did that? Santa duh. We also still leave carrots and water for Santa's reindeer. Flying all around the world makes them pretty hungry!

Overall, Christmas is the best holiday of the year. There are just so many activities that go along with it! Merry Christmas to all and all a goodnight. 

Crocodile Hunter

Steve Irwin, the famous Crocodile Hunter, is the Some people might not know who he is because he died a couple years ago. Steve was an Australian Native and was a animal activist. He opened zoos, did shows, and traveled around the world preaching that deadly animals should not be feared, but respected. He got the name the Crocodile Hunter because he mostly worked with crocs. Steve almost had a sixth scent when I came to working with dangerous animals, he could predict their reactions before they happened.

I grew up watching Steve and I thought he was the coolest person ever. I have always had a fascination with animals and especially dangerous ones. I would watch is show religiously and I even saw one of his live shows when I was in Australia. One Christmas, Santa gave me his audio-biography and I read it in two days. I <3 Steve.

Tragically, Steve died very unexpectedly in 2006. He was killed by a stingray in a tragic and rare accident while filming a segment for a children's show. I think its amazing how one person can have such a huge impact on the world. The most interesting part is that he was such a unique person, and he was also uniquely known. He wasn't known for being the first man on the moon, or for being the man to invent the newest gadget. Steve was known as a passionate, sincere, and caring guy who truly cared about educating the public about animals.

The Crocodile Hunter left his Wife, Terri, and two kids Bindi and Bob. Bindi followed in her father's foot steps and continues to do shows about animals. Their family still runs the Australia Zoo which was started by Steve. Steve Irwin made such an impact on the world and was truly loved by all that knew him.

I believe that education is all about being excited about something. Seeing passion and enthusiasm helps push an educational message.”

I have a message for my fans. Whatever you want to do in this world, it is achievable. The most important thing that I've found, that perhaps you could use, is be passionate and enthusiastic in the direction that you choose in life, and you'll be a winner.”


Many people don't think about it, but there is one trait that we all share. We all want the same thing in life, and that is to be happy. I don't know anybody, and I hope there isn't anybody, who does not want true happiness. We need happiness in our lives because that is what keeps us going, keeps us looking for tomorrow. It is a natural human quality. What is happiness? My definition of happiness is to be enjoying every second of being alive.

You can control your own happiness, because only you can control your reactions to whatever life throughs at you. The first key to finding happiness is knowing how to react. No matter how bad an even is there are no set rules on how to react. Your response is the greatest thing in your life that you have control over. Either you can break down and say “I'm done,” or you can suck it up and deal with it. Either way, life goes on. How your life goes on and how happy you are is in your control.

On the other hand, a person cannot be happy all the time. I'm not saying that we should be happy 24/7. There are incidences that will make us question everything; for example, a death in the family or of a close friend. There is just no honest way to be happy about that. At first, you shouldn't be happy about it. A time of mourning essential. But, mourning should not last a life time. To accept what happened and to move on is the cure to heartache. This is where true happiness comes.

I hope you don't think that you can only be happy when your life is what you imagine as perfect, because most likely, you will not reach that point. So, either you can change your ideas of perfection, or accept the fact that true happiness can be felt without perfection.  

A Nation Wide Problem

In American, we have a huge problem. The problem is obvious, to us and to the world. Americans are obese. Over two-thirds of our population are over healthily weight.

The definition of obese is “extremely fat, grossly overweight.” The definition applies to us. Walk down the street and just observe. We are so used to seeing “chunky” people that we don't even notice it anymore unless “chunky” has been changed to “fat.”

Walking down the average downtown New York City street is so different from walking down a street in downtown Tokyo. Obviously, the environment is different but that's not what we are looking at. Look at the people, in America; we don't even realize the extent of our weight problem.

Naturally, we notice people who can't fit through doors, but we aren't seeing that the average person's fudge around the waist. Compared that to other countries and we see the difference.

But why is this? Whose fault is it? Well, who eats all the food? We do. The obesity plague is our own fault. Retailers don't shove food down our throats; we put it into our mouths. Another reason is the lack of exercise. Americans, and especially children, don't spend as much time outside then the generations before us. Children spend more time inside, playing video games, then outside running around. Also adults work more and are more stressed, this causes weight gain.

Since people are too busy they usually don't have time to fix a healthy meal for their families, or themselves. As a result they eat cheap, fast food which is high in fat and carbs.

I'm not saying that it is out entire fault. The products on the grocery store shelves are a problem also. But, on the other had, we have always an abundant supply of fruit and veggies! Eat those! Also spend more time outside. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Ride a bike instead of driving. Join a gym. Eat either and encourage children to create healthy habits. Hopefully, the next generations won't have an obesity epidemic to add to their list of things to solve.  

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

One Direction Infection

One Direction Infection- Excess Drooling, fainting and a major love for one direction; Harry styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan. The symptoms are pretty obvious. For those of you that don't know, One Direction is a boy band like Backstreet Boys or Nsync, except a million times better. One Direction is a group of five, absolutely gorgeous, British boys. If they were American they wouldn't be as amazing. Their accents are just so cute. Did I mention they have voices like angels? Those boys can sing! So let's add this up here: (musical talent + appearance + British accents)*5 = a gift from the heavens aka One Direction.

This band was discovered on the British version of the Xfactor. They tried out separately but were told that the only way they would make it far in the competition was to create a group. So before the auditions they had never met each other! They ended up finishing in third place which is pretty impressive. Even though they didn't win they still were offered a record deal and their first CD came out on November 21, 2011. The record included top hits like What Makes You Beautiful and Gotta Be You.

One Direction gained popularity as soon as they reached America. American girls just can't resist hot British boys. These boys went from normal kids trying to make it in the music business too the most popular boy band since the Jonas Brothers. Other guys think they are gay but I think they are just jealous.

The band includes; Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall. In my opinion Harry is the cutest BUT they are all high up on the hotness scale. Their music is great, they are beautiful, and British. What more could a boy band need?

Canada Eh?

Canada is that arctic waste land right above us, right? They are just nomadic people that play hockey all the time and eat reindeer meat. Well the hockey part its mostly correct. This past weekend was my first time to Canada and I absolutely loved it. Even though I only saw the southern part of Ontario, it was still pretty great. The people are nice, they have great shopping, and awesome accents.

In Canada hockey is everything. Hockey there is like football here. But if you had to ask me hockey should always be the most popular sport. Because its the best sport. I guess this is a free country so we can do and like any sport. But like hockey because its the best. Anyways, in Canada hockey is everywhere. Even though there is an NHL lock-out right now, the Canadian TV channels still broadcast hockey games. They have a channel like ESPN except its only about hockey. You can also find a hockey store on every block and there are rinks everywhere. Being a hockey player from Iowa, a state that half the population doesn't even now what hockey is, this place was amazing. On the back of the $5 bill is a scene of kids playing hockey and one is even a girl! It is definitely the best sport ever when a country prints it on a back of a bill.

There are also many differences between Canada and America. First off, in Canada restrooms are called washrooms. The word 'washroom' seems to describe a bathroom much better than 'restroom'. Another difference is everything there is on the metric system. A speed limit sign will read 100 kph which seems very fast to us, but its not. Also nobody drives the speed limit and I didn't see any cops on the roads. Another difference is that on all of the road signs there are British crowns because it is a British commonwealth.

Overall, Canada is a great country. It doesn't seem that different than America but it is. Canada might not be the most exciting vacation spot but if you love British things, hockey players, and cold weather then Canada is the perfect place for you!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Ultimate Question

“Soccer is the hardest.”
“No, football is.”
Well both of those answers are wrong. According to ESPN, boxing is the most difficult sport. This list was made by people who have dedicated their life to sports. Trust their opinions. They know what their talking about. The top three are definitely in the right spots.

1.)Boxing- I can see why boxing is the hardest sport. You are literally beating each other up. It takes endurance, strength and unbelievable mental toughness. Boxers don't wear pads so there isn't anything to protect from the opposing blows. Let's throw you into a square ring and now beat the other person up. That would be horrifying yet boxers love it. So much respect for those amazing athletes.

2.)Ice Hockey- Not only is hockey the second hardest sport it is always THE BEST SPORT. Sorry for being biased here. Hockey definitely deserves it's second place spot for many different reasons. First off, we play our sport while standing on a thin, sharp, steel blade. Balance is very thing. Being balanced takes strength and being extremely focused. Learning to skate is frustrating and you have to learn when you fall, always get back up. That's a great life lesson right there! Hockey players also have to have great hand-eye coordination. Skate and handling the puck at the same time is a lot harder than it looks. We also have to learn to take hits and how to not get killed while playing. There is so much to learn to become a great hockey player, I guess that is why we so passionate about our sport.

3.)Football- This sport deserve it's third place spot. Football is basically tackling each other, all through the game. Football player's have to be very strong and mentally tough. They have to know how to take a hit. Memorizing plays and game sense is also very important to this game. There are many different positions in football which makes it a diverse sport to play.

Overall, its hard to say one sport is harder than the other but some are definitely more challenging than others. There are some sports on this list that I feel are not in the right spot. For example, swimming and gymnastics should be higher up the list and basketball and volleyball should be lower. Every athlete that goes out for a sport needs to be determined and passionate about the game they play.

Words: 424

Is Black Friday Worth It?

The biggest shopping day of the year. Black Friday. The day after Thanksgiving is the “official” sales day. Almost all shops have Black Friday sales and some have more then others. Malls and shopping centers are always pure insanity. People get up at 3 am to stand in line outside, in the cold. The hardcore shoppers start lining up Thanksgiving night. Is it really worth it?

Thanksgiving is a holiday to relax and spend time with family, not to stand in line with strangers for hours on end. First off, other shoppers can be pretty feisty. My one, and only, Black Friday experience I was slammed into a clothes rack by a very competitive shopper. Apparently getting the three dollar jacket was life or death situation. Secondly, are the sales really that great? I was disappointed when I went I Target because the not that many things were on sale. I stood in line for an hour, out in the freezing cold and I ended up only buying one thing. Black Friday is a definitely a good day to buy electronics such as TVs and what not. There are always those people pushing multiple carts filled with large flat-screen TVs.

It seems almost every year there is a crazy Black Friday news story. Sadly, there is usually a death. Someone gets trampled as the doors open to a major store. How can people be so determined to save money that the don't notice a dying person? Seriously? That's just being selfish. Then this year a store announced that they weren't going to open until their normal time and shoppers threw bricks at the store's windows. Come on people its not worth it! They only shatter the windows just so the could get good sales.

On Thanksgiving I would much rather spend time with my family then annoying bargain shoppers that would trample over people to their not-so-great sales. I have had one Black Friday experience and I don't plan to have another. So next year if you do plan to go shopping on Black Friday ask yourself: Is this really worth it?  
Words: 380

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

To All Those Christmas Haters

           Christmas time truly the best time of the year and it’s never too early to start celebrating. The official time to start the Christmas festivities is considered after Thanksgiving. Scratch that; Christmas celebrations should start after Halloween! Some people believe that the Christmas season starts too early. LIKE WHAT? Never, ever will it be too early to start celebrating Christmas. Apparently those Christmas haters have not yet experienced the joy of the best holiday all year.

                The best part of Christmas is the wonderful music. There is even a whole station on the radio dedicated to just Christmas music! The sad part about this is that they only start playing the songs after Thanksgiving and they stop on Christmas Eve. Once again: LIKE WHAT? That only gives us about a month to enjoy it. I think they should start playing Christmas songs at the start of November.

                Another great think about the Christmas season is the decorations, especially Christmas trees. The best trees are the real trees. No fake trees up in here. Real trees make the house smell like pine and the outdoors. Plus each real tree that is bought is different. This makes each Christmas unique. If you don’t want a real tree go buy a fake one but probably thousands of other people have that exact same tree. Don’t be a follower.

                Apart from Christmas trees the best decorations are lights. Christmas lights just seem to make everything brighter and happier. The greatest lights are the multi-colored strands. White lights are boring so go with the different colors.

                Christmas movies are icing on the top of the cake when it comes to the Christmas season. Elf, It’s a Wonderful Life, and A Christmas Story are some of the best ones. These movies are great to watch even when it’s not Christmas time.  By far the best Christmas movie is Elf. It’s absolutely hilarious. Will Farrell does a great job of playing a lost adult elf in New York City. I would recommend this movie to anybody.

                Overall, Christmas is the greatest time of the year. Music, decorations, and movies all make up to a great holiday season. The true meaning of Christmas is to be giving and thankful for everything we have. It’s such a cheerful holiday.  How can someone not want to start celebrating as soon has possible? So to those Christmas haters: I hope one day you start to enjoy the wonderful festivities of the Christmas season.
Words: 420

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Typical Halloween.

Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. That's a classic saying. Well anyways, its halloween time! It is halloween, it is halloween, halloween, halloween, it is halloween. Halloween means free candy and dressing as crazy as you want. Some girls even think that halloween is an excuse to dress like a slut. I beg to differ. Its like honey, please cover some of that up. Halloween should be renamed to “the night of the slutty outfits”.

What I don't understand is that there is plenty of cute, non slutty, halloween costumes. Most girls insist on recreating non slutty outfits into slutty outfits. All you have to do is add “sexy” to the beginning. Sexy cat, sexy cop, sexy flight attendant. After doing that, cut off the stomach area then the legs but make sure you cut all the way up to the butt for extra sluttiness. And there ya go! A slutty halloween custom. Jk please don't do that.

Another thing that I don't understand is that some girls spend up to $80 on their costumes. You could use that money to buy things that are a lot better. Oh wait here's an a idea: maybe a normal halloween costume? And girls, we don't always have to be impressing everyone. Guys that really like slutty girls probably aren't dating material. I know is clique to say but guys should like you for your personality :)

Overall, let's try not to be too slutty on halloween. Keep it classy, ladies.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Moving on.. Literally.

My parents probably picked the best house and best neighborhood possible in the whole area of Cedar Crapids. I live on a nice little cul de sac that is surrounded by woods. I live about half way down the street and its great. The reason why I am writing such an odd blog describing how much I love my neighborhood is because we are moving. Yes, moving :( I mean not like moving moving, we are still staying on the NE side, but we are still getting a new house. Its crazy to think that someone else is going to live in my house. I have grown up on my little street since I was five years old. This is the only neighborhood I remember.

The greatest thing about my neighborhood is the people that live in it. I live in the fourth house down the street and in the three houses before me also have girls my age. We have grown up together and they are my very best friends. During the summer I was never alone. We would hang out with each day after day. I probably spent more nights at their houses than I did at mine during the summer. They also had older brothers and sisters who were the same age as my siblings. It just worked out really well because the kids were all friends and so were the adults. We would go on camping trips together and have barbecues.

Now, 12 years later, we still hang out all the time and so do our siblings. Not a lot has changed. This is why moving is going to be so hard. I am not only leaving behind a great home where I grew up, I am also leaving a wonderful neighborhood. Its going to be very hard to say goodbye but I guess that is just a part of life....

Music is a Mood Changer

Listening to music can really have a big impact. It can change your mood or even bring you to remember things that happened when you heard that song. I don't know about you but I like to listen to music basically any time I can. I listen to music the most when I am doing homework or just hanging out. I am in love with my mac book, its a amazing and I would totally recommend it to anyone. Well anyways, while I am doing homework on my wonderful lap top I get very bored. This is when I know I need to spice up my study experience with some music.
I usually don't like to listen to my itunes on my computer because I listen to it enough on my ipod. There are many websites that have online playlists for different genres or they can even play music to match your mood. Here are some examples of these websites:


8tracks is a really cool website that has different playlists. These playlists are categorized in many ways like by words like love, summer, or chill. Once you create an account you can like a playlist and then listen to it anytime. They have thousands and thousands of playlists and my favorite part is that these playlists are made by other users on the website.


Songza is a lot like 8tracks except the playlists are made for your mood. When you first enter the website it will ask what you are doing like studying, having a dance party, or cooking. After choosing one it then asks you which genre you want like soft pop or rock. In the end you get a playlists that matches the mood and activity you are doing.


Pandora is a classic. On pandora you create stations for different artist or songs. You can create as many stations as you want and if there is a song that you don't like you can dislike it and the song will never play again on your Pandora.

Well I hope these enhance your studying or hanging out experience. They become especially useful once finals come around. Happy studying!

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Success - it's a simple word with a million definitions. As our life flies by, before we
know it we will be sitting close to the end, looking back at our life thinking: “Was I successful? Did I make something of myself?” Only you can answer these questions, with your own definition of success. To me, success isn't measured by how much money you make, how big your house is but by learning and growing everyday, caring and loving everyone and most importantly being happy.

Happiness is something that seems hard to get but its easier than we think. Sometimes we just go through the motions in life, we get so used to a certain lifestyle. Everyone is so busy all the time and its seems that stress is all we ever feel. I have to do this, do that, get this done or turn in that. If you just stop for a moment and think about how truly lucky we are. Maybe our stress is coming from hard classes in school but remember that many kids around the world don't have access to a good education. Maybe our stress is coming from sport but remember that we are grateful to get the chance to play a sport. Maybe our stress is coming from family, we are lucky to have people that love us.

For couple minutes, just stop everything and think about all that you have, not what you don't have, and that is happiness. Happiness is accepting the fact that life is hard and really sucks sometimes but that its something we can't control. Happiness comes with acceptance not from money, a lot of friends, or fancy things. Happiness is simple but we make it complicated.

So take a moment to just relax and think. Look up at the sky and remember that there are a lot bigger problems in the world than what we are dealing with in our personal lives'. By doing that, happiness will come and you will be successful.

Aussie, aussie, aussie!

One thing most people don't know about me is that I lived in Australia for two years. I was born in Seattle and my dad worked for the world's largest airplane company. When I was three years old his job was transferred to Brisbane, Australia. So the Gilbert family packed up and moved overseas! Since I was so young I don't remember it that well but I can't imagine how stressful it must have been on my parents to move three kids and all our stuff across the ocean.

Living in Australia was an amazing experience. Our house had a big pool in the backyard with tall, green palm trees surrounding. It was warm everyday and we lived close to the beach so we spent a lot of time at the ocean. We went to the Sydney Opera House, Great Barrier Reef, and even got to see the Crocodile Hunter. Since I was so young when we lived in Australia, I started to pick up the accent. It was very small but my parents said I spoke so differently from the time we got there to the time we left.
My favorite memory was when we snorkeled in the Great Barrier Reef. We got on a pure white motor boat. It wasn't just any normal boat. There was a big window on the floor which you could watch the wild life below. Looking down into the clear water below, four sea turtles swam under. They had a sort of grace and simplicity that was truly breath taking.

Once it was time to go back to the states my parents took us to China, Japan, and Indonesia on the way home. They figured since we were already half way around the world that we might as well go to Asia too. In China, they are only allowed to have one child so being three American kids with dark hair and blue eyes, we attracted a lot of attention. My mom said that one time I yelled, “These Chinese ladies won't stop squeezing my cheeks! I hate china people!” Cut me some slack I was was only four years old!

I am so thankful that my parents decided to move overseas. Granted it was very young, it still effected me. I got to experience many cultures and meet many different kinds people. My parents loved Australia so much that we almost stayed there. We only came back to be closer to family. Its crazy to think I could easily be living in a different country. I am so lucky and grateful for those amazing experiences.

Look good, feel good, play good

I still remember the first time I stepped on the ice. Its one of those life changing moments that no matter how old I get, I will never forget it. Hockey is my passion and I love it more than I can express in words. It produces a range of emotions for me because sometimes I hate it so much. Times when I have a hard practice or I am just feeling absolutely exhausted, I ask myself, “Why do I do this? Why do I put in so much effort?”

Those thoughts don't last every long because I remember why I play hockey and how much joy it brings me. I play for traveling with my team, scoring goals, and not only do I play for the wins but I play for the hard losses, the losses were I can't help but cry because even after giving it our all, it just doesn't turn out. During those rough times I always go back to the moment when I stepped on the ice for the first time, and that is what keeps me going.

When I was six years old, on a chilly saturday morning, I took my first step into a new passion. The feeling of butterflies as a started to skate around and the whisk of cold air on my face. Honestly, I could barely skate. Even have no idea what I was doing, I loved it. After an hour of practice, I stepped of the ice with a hug smile on my face and ran over to my dad yelling, “Daddy I didn't even fall once!”

I don't expect other people to understand the love and passion hockey players have for the sport. Its the kind of thing were you just have to play it to fully get it. We are different than other athletes. We would move away from home, and our friends, in a heartbeat to play for a better team. We love the long car rides and the tired feeling on sunday afternoons after playing five games. We love the sweaty smell of ice arena locker rooms but most of all, we love the feeling of the freezing cold air on our faces as we skate down the ice. My coach always says, “Play for the girl that feel in love with the game and play for the girl who never looked back.”

Sunday, October 14, 2012

We should care!

Politics is all everyone talks about. The election will be here in less than a month and it gets worse everyday. Political adds and debates seem to rule the TV. Youtube and Pandora commercials are all about why you should vote for Romney or Obama. Honestly, it does get very annoying but its important.

Many teenagers, and even adults, don't care about politics. All I want to say to you is: THIS IS OUR COUNTREY TOO. Its not just ruled by the politicians. Well thats kinda a lie but you know what I mean. Saying you don't care about what goes on with politics is so ignorant. Sorry not sorry. But really what the politicians decided effect us everyday. You know how we don't have dessert at lunch anymore? Yup, thank Michelle Obama. Also the amount of taxes our parents pay effect us too or how we have to be in school until a certain age. All of these laws are made by those politicians that you'don't care about'.

Also to those people that don't vote on election day, you are dumb. Sorry not sorry... again. I just don't understand why you wouldn't vote. There has to be one candidate you like. We are so lucky in America to have the right to who runs our country. Many people don't have that freedom, especially women. So ladies just remember that not to long ago women could not vote in this country and know we have an equal vote. Maybe if they threatened to go back to taxation without representation everyone would actually vote. Also if you are old enough to vote you should! There are many people that aren't 18 and would love to have the chance to vote in this election.

Overall, you should care about politics. Yes it gets very annoying and over powering but its so important. So go out there and vote. Voice your opinion on what you believe matters. The great thing about voting is its YOUR choice. Now a days our live's seem to be ran by what other people do but by voting you can support what you believe in. Happy election year!

Standardized? Not so much

The ACT, SAT, PSAT and SSAT are just a few of the many standardized test that are available to take. Many colleges require you to take at least the ACT or SAT and they base their admissions off of test scores. If you don't a certain score on these tests, you won't be admitted into the school.

Most of the standardized tests test our skills in the main areas. These include math, science, reading and comprehension. Also there is an essay section. The different parts of the test can tell you, and college admissions, what your strong points are. Many students will do better in certain categories. Usually categories like math and science seem easier. The hardest parts are probably reading, comprehension and vocabulary. I just recently took the SSAT and the vocabulary section was unbelievably hard. Some of the words I have never seen in my life.

While taking the test I got to thinking... Does this really reflect my true academic talents? Does knowing what words like axiom or nebulae mean really show how much I know? I think the answer is no. I really do not think that standardized test reflect the academic talent of a student in the right way. Many kids are bad test takers or are slower workers. This can be a problem especially when we are given limited time. I do believe that standardized tests are important to take but I think that they shouldn't be the deciding factor on whether you get into a school or not.

I know many talented people that don't do well on standardized test simply because they are bad test takers. This is a skill that can be practiced but it takes time. We usually only have a couple chances to take a test even though it has such an impact on where we go to school.

Overall, I think the test just need to be tweaked a little bit. I don't think there should be as much vocabulary but there should be more math and science. We live in a world that is constantly changing and being strong in math and science will help us keep up with a growing demand. I also think that they should keep an essay portion too. Hopefully these test will change by the time our children take them.  

Netflix is da

Netflix might be the best invention ever. Not joking. Its like a gift from the heavens. Well maybe I'm being a little over dramatic but let's be honest here, everyone loves Netflix. Normally we would have drive all the way to a movie store, walk around aimlessly while trying to find that one movie. After adventuring through the screaming children and mushy couples, you finally find the movie you wanted. But wait... PSYCH its ready been checked out! Then all you want to do its hit down the racks of lame movies with bad acting. After gaining composer, you pick another movie and wait in line for 10 minutes will the person in front of you argues with the clerk about fees for their movie that they apparently didn't return on time. We have all have had these experiences. That is why Netflix is amazing.

Netflix is an online movie and tv show provider. Its like having a movie store in your house. Its around $10 a month for unlimited access to all of their instant movies and shows. Netflix's movie choices aren't that great but they have great shows. My favorite show on Netflix is Grey's Anatomy and the best part is they have all 8 seasons. They have all of the updated seasons for their tv shows.

Netflix has choices for everyone. Romance, action, comedy and family are just a few. You will always find something to watch. They also have great documentaries. Don't lie to yourself, you love a good documentary. We are all nerds on the inside!

Another great thing about using Netflix is you don't have to remember to return a movie. There are no fines or annoying phone calls from people who hate their job. You can stop or start anytime you want on Netflix.

So if you don't already have it, get it. It is worth the money, I promise. You can watch it on the computer or connect it to your tv through a gaming system. The only thing you need is wifi. If think your life is complete now, its not. Get Netflix and it will be. Just be careful, it does get addicting. But warning you now you will spend hours and hours watching it. If you are watching a tv show you can't just watch one episode.

Now go online and subscribe. You won't be disappointed! You can thank me later.   

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Homeschooling vs. Public Schooling

In our nation education is required until a certain age. If children aren't in school their parents will get in a lot of legal trouble and could even end up in jail. I have always been taught that education is the most important thing. Going to school not only gives you an education, it also teaches you very important social skills.

A girl on my hockey team is home-schooled but she is surprisingly very normal. You would have never guessed that she has never gone to a public, or private, school. But this isn't that case for other home-schooled kids. I've meet some home-schooled kids that are very awkward and they seem nervous about social interaction. Going to school with other kids teaches you how to make friends and how to meet new people. Home-schooled kids don't get this daily interaction.

Another aspect about homeschooling that I believe is unfair to the kids is the fact that the parents will most likely not be able to teach challenging courses as the kids get older. It is very important to be challenged academically, especially when we reach high school. The kids won't get the full experience of taking an AP class or doing labs in science that involve expensive equipment. I think this is an injustice to the kids.

Most of the home-schooled kids I've meet with said that their parents decided to homeschool them because they didn't like the school systems or that their kids were being bullied. I totally understand were they are coming from but if a school doesn't do something about bullying than it probably isn't that great of school anyway. And if you don't like how a school is ran, there are thousands of other schools. You are bound to find one that works.

Overall, I respect the parents decision to homeschool their kids. But this raises the question; Does homeschooling hurt your child more than benefiting them? I believe that it is important to experience social interaction and also get the best education possible and I think this can only be achieved by going to a public or private school. We are lucky to live in country were education is strongly supported and we don't have to pay that much for the amount we receive. So I think everyone should take advantage of this opportunity.

Parking Lot Etiquette

Parking at Kennedy is absolutely insane. We don't have enough space for all the of the students to park so it seems we are just all over. Most park in the North and South Lots but we also can park on the street, and at three surrounding churches. I park at Lovely Lane and most of the time I don't mind it. But sometimes people can be really stupid and I've heard its even worse in the South Lot.

First off, lets not zip through the parking lot going 30 mph. Somebody could be backing out and not see you and BOOM. Accident. If you've been in an accident, it really sucks. Its embarrassing, expensive and usually parents are very angry. And its always awkward if you get in an accident with someone at school because you are then like, “Hey sorry I totaled your car... See you in first hour.” Also you could really hurt somebody. If someone is walking and you come full speed around corner, that could end horribly.

Secondly, YOU CAN'T TURN LEFT OUT OF THE PARKING LOT. There are those people who always try to turn against traffic. Please, there are 20 cars behind you trying to get out too. Then we have to sit and wait for 10 minutes while one person tries to turn left because they can't accept the fact that they will have to add 5 minutes to the time it takes to get home by taking a back street. Sometimes it gets so bad I almost get out of my car, walk up to their window and yell at them to turn right. That has yet to happen.

Lastly, there is no need to blast your music as loud as it goes. Boys, when you bump your bass to horrible rap music it doesn't make you anymore attractive. Loud music doesn't give you more “swag” its annoying and also annoying and did I mention annoying? Just play your music at reasonable level and everyone will be happy.

Battles with fellow parkers are going to an never ending battle. If you are one of those speeders, loud music players or those people that insist on always turning left, please try to limit your horrible habits. Consider the people around you because you can be really irritating, or worse, you could hurt someone.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Heck Week #1

Is it already past midterm?  Really? Does anybody know where time went? Because I sure don’t. We are officially 30 days into the school year. That means only 150 more days of pointless lectures, annoying people and long lunch lines. Since it is half way through the trimester, its test time. It seems that almost every teacher is giving a test over what we’ve learned since school started. I’m totally okay with taking large unit tests, it’s just a part of school that has to be done. But please teachers, don’t schedule all your tests on the same day, or during the same week.

My plea for help didn’t work. This week seems to be that one week were there is a test in every class. There honestly isn’t enough time in the day for everything. This causes late nights and early mornings, stressful moments during class when you really wish you studied more, and the occasionally screams into pillows will lying in bed thinking about all the crap that has to be done. Sometimes I wish I could just pause the day for an hour and take a nap. A nice long rest would be nice. Some time for quality REM sleep or have time to watch my favorite TV show.  

Sometimes while studying I get to the point that I know I’m going to do bad no matter how hard I study. It’s probably my brain just complaining about how much it doesn’t want to study for 5 hours straight. But we just gotta push through those hard times. All the hours of studying will be worth it in the long run. All of the AP classes which cause countless stressful nights of cramming, will be worth it. Actually I’m not sure if it will, but right now we don’t have time to think about what this will do for us in the long run. We just know we have to do it.

So thank you teachers, for coming together and deciding to have your tests on the same day. We really truly appreciate it. So thoughtful of you all, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next. Let us know when you have your meeting to decide the next week of hell. Maybe we can have some representatives at this meeting to state our case. LETS ELMINATE EXAMINATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Must See Movies

We all love movies. Young, old, skinny or fat. The great thing about this day in age there are so many different options and genres to pick from. There are the main categories like romance, action or comedy but also more specific genres like children's, sports and scary movies. Everyone has different taste and its always hard to pick a favorite. But there are also certain movies in which almost everyone enjoys and can relate with. There are the timeless classics, the ones that our parents watch, we watch and our children will watch. For example, Forest Gump is just one of those movies that everyone has to see before they die. So I'm creating my own genre here called, “Must Sees.” Here the a few examples of the movies in my category.

The Harry Potter Series- Wizards, witches, magic and more. This series is based off books written by JK Rowling and follows a young wizard that grows up without knowing about his magical gifts. He goes to a boarding school, Hogwarts, and meets some amazing friends. They spend seven years at school while fighting many mystical creatures and their main fight is the Dark Lord, or Lord Voldemort. The series is split into eight movies, the last book was made into two movies. They are great because everyone kind of person will enjoy it. Considering some of the movies are a little scary for younger kids, they will still fall in love with the story and the characters. Harry Potter is must, must see!

The Titanic- It was sad, oh it was sad, it was sad when that great ship went down to the bottom the... Everyone knows the story. A ship called the Titanic set sail and was known as the ship that would never sink but it did. Tragically, a thousand people were killed when it sank. This movie depicts the events leading to the sinking of that great ship. It follows the story of a young women and her secret relationship with another man on the ship. This movie was one of the highest grossing movies in history. What makes this movie so great is that its not only a great love story, it tells the story of a major event in history. To this day, its still considered one of the greatest movies made.

Elf- This movie is one of those cheesy, yet hilarious, Christmas movies. Its one of those that you watch Christmas day and that everyone enjoys. It is about an elf from the North Pole and he goes to New York City to find is biological Dad. The twist is he actually isn't an elf. He is a full grown man, raised by elves. In the movie, its his first time in the real world. Its hilarious, totally hilarious. All ages will love this movie. I watched it with my 80 year old grandparents and I have never seen them laugh so hard. Watch Elf, you won't be disappointed. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

On the road again

Long car rides are just unenjoyable. There is barely any leg room, its always either too hot or too cold and the car rides seem like they will never end. The worst is when you start feeling car sick and there isn't anything to do about it. I have been on my fair share of car rides. Practically every weekend I am driving somewhere for hockey. Right now I am writing this as I'm on a 10 hour car ride to Ohio, on Homecoming weekend and I am here to share my advice from years of experience.

First, always bring a pillow and blanket. Its never a bad time for a nice nap. A pillow can always serve as a makeshift desk for school work and a blanket its the ultimate cuddly buddy. Also dress in layers. A car never seems to be the right temperature.
Depending on how long the drive is going to be, always bring things to do. A good book, homework, or playing cards. It is actually really easy to get homework done in the car because there isn't anything else to do. If you get car sick easily try not to read or do homework, it will make it worse! It is also good to bring a book light if you have one, then you can read on those late night car rides. Bring food and drinks, and also gum.

The one thing that is a must have for long car rides is an ipod/mp3 player. They are life savors! If your little sibs are getting annoying or your mom just won't stop talking, you can just put in the head phones and zone everything out. Before leaving for long trips it is also helpful to get some new songs to listen too. It spices up your normal playlists. Also bring a laptop or a DVD player so you can watch movies!

Number one tip: when in doubt, sleep. Sleeping is the best way to pass the time and who couldn't use an extra couple hours of beauty rest? If you can't sleep take some Nyquil and you'll be out in no time. Who knows, you might sleep all the way there!

These are just some of my tips for car rides. Long drives are always going to be frustrating but you just gotta make it through. Its all about staying entertained and trying not to think about how long you have left. I hope my words of wisdom helped! Happy car ride.  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Just another Homecoming post

This is Homecoming week. Insane, busy and fun. We all love it and also hate it. There is so much that comes with Homecoming. Powderpuff, football game, spirit days, getting your nails and hair done, finding a place to eat, picking out a tie with your date and ordering flowers. Considering I am going to be gone for Homecoming, I don't have to deal with all the craziness. So this week I get the chance to be a total third party observer. Man, its all everyone talks about. And there is drama, lots of drama.

“Oh my god I'm so done with finding a place to eat.”
“I don't want so and so in our group.”
“I want so and so in our group.”

I mean come on people, its really not that big of a deal. It is one night out of the thousands of nights in your life. If someone doesn't want to be in your group or go out to eat with you, don't stress over it. Let everyone do what they want. Also try not to get your parents involved, we are all old enough to make our decisions on our own. The moms can wait. If you can't decided on where to take pictures or where to eat, try to meet in the middle. Compromising is key.

Another thing about Homecoming week that could have a face lift are spirt days. We have the worst spirt days. They. Are. The. Same. Every. Year. Why can't we mix it up a bit?! Like instead of lazy day every year on Monday lets do something more exciting like ti-dye day or beach day. Also twin day has got to go. We need a spirit day that you can actually tell what it is when you walk into school. Twin day just seems like a normal day because you will most likely wear everyday clothes when you match with your twin. How about dress up day or animal day? MEOW. RAWR. Also I think we should have spirt day on Thursday because the boys and girls will be wearing football jerseys.

Overall, Homecoming is just one of our many high school experiences. So let's try to make the best of it. You are never to cool to participate on spirit days or play powderpuff. When it comes to the actual day try to respect other peoples decisions. Everyone has the right to a great week! YAY HOMECOMING.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

All I want for Christmas is a...

My sister is in a different country and my brother is at college. I'm lonely, so lonely. My parents are at work and I'm usually home alone. Don't me wrong I love having the house to myself but I miss the sleep overs with my big sister or playing video games and eating pizza with my brother. So I want a baby sibling and I plan on proposing the idea to my parents in this way....

Dear Mom and Dad, I want a baby sibling for Christmas. Make a difference and adopt a child that doesn't have a family. Our house is so quite without the big sibs and I don't like being the youngest. Then when can buy him/her cute little shoes with monkeys on them and decorate the spare bedroom with teddy bear wallpaper. DOESN'T THAT SOUND FUN!?!? It sure does. Also we can have an excuse to watch Disney movies and play hide and seek. We can bake cookies and go for bike rides (with training wheels of course).

I bet for those of you that have younger siblings get really annoyed of them and sometimes wish you were the only child but I just want to experience what its like to have a little sibling to look after. Well, maybe we should get another pet instead...

Is it possible to be too strict?

In high school, we constantly being nagged by our parents. Do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that. Be home by 11:30, don't text and drive, clean your room, finish your homework. I absolutely love my parents but sometimes the nagging has got to stop. Honestly, I don't even have to experience the worst of it.

One of my good friends that I have known since I was young has the strictest parents around. She couldn't date until she was 16. She can only go out one night a weekend, she has to go to church every sunday, and she didn't even have a cell phone until half way through her freshmen year. The funny thing is that her parents think they are turning her into this perfect angel that will grow up to create some charity to stop world hunger. But they are very, very wrong. She goes behind her parents back about everything. She dated before she was 16 and she sneaks out often. This begs the question: does being strict as a parents really help your kids? In my opinion, no it does not.

I am the youngest of three kids. My parents have always been the laid back type, they have always trusted us. They give us enough space to learn how to make the right decisions on our own and also they give us enough space to make mistakes and learn from them.

My older siblings have made their fair share of mistakes, big ones too but they learned from them, grew and moved on. I know I'm bound to make mistakes too but I know when I do my parents will tell me, “Take responsibility for your actions, apologize, learn and move on.”
From what I've seen, being a strict parent only makes your kids rebel from you even more. Its important to give us space, let us mess up now rather than later when we are out on our own. Love ya mommy and daddy, thanks for everything.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dance the night away...

Of course I can’t go to homecoming this year. Of course I would have a hockey tournament that I can’t miss on homecoming weekend. WHY. ME? Not being able to go to homecoming sucks. Especially when it is all everyone seems to talk about these days. Don’t get me wrong I love to hear about who is asking who and what everyone’s dresses look like but it still is disappointing not being able to go.

The worst part about not being able to go to homecoming is not being able to pick out a dress. Let’s be honest here, even if you don’t like to dress up/ wear makeup/ get your hard done it’s still fun to look pretty for one night. Looking at dresses is something you only get to do a couple times a year and it’s the best feeling when you find that perfect dress. Since I can’t go to homecoming I still picked out a dress online which was probably a bad idea considering it made me even sadder that I can’t go. So it’s booked marked on my computer with the color and size picked out. Maybe I still have a little shred of hope left that for some crazy reason I will be able to attend that dance.  But this I know is not true.

Another disappointing part about not going to homecoming is the thrill of being asked. Whether it’s by your boyfriend or just another guy who wants to go to the dance with you being asked in a cute way is a great feeling.  So boys, don’t be afraid to ask a girl to homecoming. As long as you put time and effort into an original way to ask her, she won’t say no.

There are also some perks about not going. You don’t have to worry about who is going to be in your group or where to go for dinner. Also you don’t have to stress about not having date. You save money by not having to buy a dress or get your hair done.

Overall, I think the pros outweigh the cons. So if you are considering not going to homecoming, you should still go. Have fun because some of us won’t have the chance to!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Life of the Youngest Child...

Being the youngest in the family definitely has its perks but also some not so good things. I am the youngest of three kids and there has definitely been time were I love it and times I absolutely hate it. It always seems like everything revolves around older siblings. Those of us who are the youngest are drug to numerous sporting events, music concerts and academic assemblies all because we can't be left at home alone. This got so annoying growing up. But the funny thing now is that they aren't here to watch our games or watch us at our important moments because they are at college or in the real world.

Another thing that is hard about being the youngest is hammy downs. So many hammy downs. The other siblings always got the new clothes and the youngest just get what they don't wear or what they grew out of. Another bad thing is being picked on. In my family my brother closer in age to me than my sister so I always got beat up by my brother for being the “annoying little sister” and he would physically push me around. One time he even picked me up and threw me off the couch. I'm not going to lie, I probably deserved some of it but the other times he just took his anger out on me.

On the other side of things it might be harder to be the older sibling. They have to stay home and babysit the younger kids and also always be acting as role models. From their point of view it might also feel as though that the younger sibling get more attention.

I don't think being the oldest or the youngest is any harder or easier than the other. Both have good and bad things about it. On the bright side we should always be lucky to have siblings because they will almost always grow to be your best friends.

Wakey Wakey! Eggs and Bakey!

Breakfast is the best meal of the day. No questions asked. Most mornings its the reason I get out of bed. I'm not kidding. Well maybe a little bit. Anyways, not only is breakfast amazing its also the most important meal of the day! By eating breakfast, it will help you balance your metabolism and feel more energized. It can actually help you eat less because your body won't be craving so much food when lunch comes around so you won't eat as much. Also eating a healthy meal is always rewarding in the long run!

The best time to eat breakfast is one hour after waking up but for most people that isn't doable. Breakfast doesn't have to be this large meal just as long as its healthy and can fill you up for a couple hours.

Being an athlete I can't function with out breakfast. Especially during the season when I am  burning a lot more calories at practice. I try to eat a healthy breakfast every morning. Game days are different. On these days the best thing to eat is eggs, fruit, yogurt, peanut butter or cereal but try to stay away from bagels, pancakes or french toast because these are high in complex carbs which take longer for your body to digest thus longer for you to get the needed energy. But if you aren't play for a couple hours after eating breakfast than these complex carbs are fine to eat because your body will have time to digest it.

Here are a couple of my favorite pre game breakfasts:
 Toasted bagel with peanut butter and cinnamon sugar
 Cereal and a banana
 Eggs with yogurt and fruit
 Peanut butter and jelly with an apple

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Becoming a Life Saver

This summer I got Lifeguard and First Aid certified through the Red Cross and honestly I don't think I could save anyones life...

Three hours a day for two weeks I went through the training program. The first thing you have to do is swim 300 meters straight, without stopping, and let me tell you, this is not easy to do if aren't a regular swimmer. The 300 meters is definitely doable because there isn't a time limit. You can take your time and also swim any stroke.

Next, is the brick test. A 10 pound brick is dropped to the bottom of the deep end. You have to start at the opposite side of the pool, swim to the brick and then dive down and retrieve it. Then you have the swim with the brick on your chest to the opposite side. All in less than 1 minute and 40 seconds. This test is by far the hardest part of becoming a Lifeguard. The most challenging part is when you are at the bottom of the deep end freaking out because you have no air left and then you have to grab this brick and swim it all the way back. Luckily, you have a maximum of two tries.

After doing the skills test you learn how to actually save victims. We practiced entries into the water and how to approach people who are drowning. There is two different types of drowning victims: passive and active. They are pretty self explanatory but they both require different saving techniques.

To become First Aid certified we had to watch many videos. They were boring, so boring. In these video you are taught how to do CPR and life saving techniques. The most fun part of the whole program was practicing CPR and dummies. They even had baby dummies!

Once the training is complete you have to take a multiple choice test. Most of the test questions were common sense but some were more challenging but its pretty easy to pass the tests. You also have to do an in water test. This is where you show your instructor that you can save a victim in different ways.

After passing both tests you get a pretty certificate that says you are a Professional Lifeguard and First Aid certified and that you are responsible for the life of others when you are on duty.
So yeah, I still don't feel as though I can save someones life. If you happen to swim while I'm on duty I'm going to apologize now if I can't save you from your horrible drowning situation.

Monday, September 10, 2012

School Lunches Gone Bad

Each year lunches here at Kennedy are getting worse and worse. My freshmen year we could get as many desserts as we want and they also had Pizza Hut pizza every day. My older siblings said that when they were students at Kennedy the cafeteria offered Hy-Vee Chinese and many other options. It seems that each year we are offered fewer options than the year before.

My sophomore year (last year) they changed from having Pizza Hut every day to only on Monday and Wednesday. I felt like that was pretty reasonable considering Pizza Hut pizza is very fattening and high in carbs. Also last year you could only get on dessert per meal. And we thought that was bad but we had no idea about what was in store for next year…..

NO DESSERTS. WHAT?! Yup that’s right. No more cookies, cake or cookie dough. Nothing. Zip, zero, nada.  Now instead of desserts you have to get a fruit or vegetable. It’s not like you have a choice on whether or not you want a fruit or vegetable, you are forced to take one. The lunch ladies will make you go back in line and take one. First off, I’m not sure how old those fruits and vegetables are and how many pesticides have been sprayed on them to stay fresh. Secondly, I simply do not want a fruit or vegetable!

I understand why we are given more healthy options; two-thirds of the countries citizens are overweight but why are we not allowed to have a simple dessert? We are almost adults now and we know the consequences of eating too much of unhealthy foods.  So all I have to say is thanks Michelle Obama for implementing the Healthy Kids Act. Now I can’t enjoy a simple cup of cookie dough after a long morning of note taking and tests. Thank you, thank you very much…

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....

Every day we make decisions. Both small, and large, that well affect us for the rest of our lives'. Even a small decision like choosing to text and drive or not wearing a seatbelt can change us forever. These little things can turn into life altering events. Being high schoolers we are faced with decisions all the time. They might not be ones major ones like deciding to get married or choosing a career but our decisions now will affect the future ones.

For example, in high school we start forming friend groups. The people you hang out with usually have things in common and they have the same values. A decision you have to make is which type of people you want to associate yourself with. Some of these groups don't make the smartest decisions like choosing to smoke and drink all the time. If you choose to be apart of this kind of environment you can get into trouble and that can change your life. Choose your friends wisely...

Another huge decision we have to make is college. College. Its such a scary thought. Were you decide to go will truly change you. Thousands and thousands of dollars will be spent which makes the decision so much harder. You have to choose whether you want to leave all your friends and the place you call home. You have to choose whether you want to take that leap and say goodbye to your old life. Or just stay here in Iowa. Either way you are changing the your corse dramatically.

Overall, decisions can be hard but you just have to go with your gut feeling. Don't be afraid to tell people no and don't even be afraid to scream yes! Try not to make your decision based on friends or boyfriends/girlfriends. Its your life not theirs. If they are true friends they will support you with any decision you make. So next time you find yourself choosing which path to take just simply follow your heart.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Life of a Hockey Player...

September through April. Monday through Friday. School, homework, practice, sleep and repeat. Saturday and Sunday. Sit in a car, or on a plane, for hours.Wake up, eat, warm up, play your butt off and repeat. This is the insane life of a hockey player.

In my opinion ice hockey is one of the most underestimated sports. It takes the endurance of a runner, hand-eye-coordination of a tennis player, strength of a wrestler, mental toughness of a boxer and all while doing all of this we are standing on a 1/8th inch strip of steel.

Not only do we work hard on the ice but we also work hard off the ice. We run like soccer players and life weights like football player. After all of that we gear up and skate for hours. Your legs feel like jello but its all about finding that extra gear inside to keep skating hard.

After practicing until 10 o'clock at night homework time comes next and very little sleep. Friday nights are spent driving or sitting in airports. Games are played all saturday and then its right back at it early sunday morning. I've had a game that ended at 11 pm and we had to play again  the next morning at 7 am but it was all worth is because we went home that weekend league champions! Once all the games are played we hop back into the car, or on airplanes, and finish our homework as we fight to keep our eyes open because we've gave it all we can give during our games.

Even though hockey is extremely challenging its so addictive. Once you gear up and step on the ice for the first time it surely won't be your last time. Hockey players are some of the most passionate athletes you will meet. We will do ANYTHING to get the chance to play the game we love. Even if it means missing Homecoming, parties, and countless days of school. We live for that feeling when you score a goal or when you beat the reining national champions, and also the fact that you get to spend all weekend with your 15 other best friends. Its more than a sport, its a lifestyle.   

Monday, September 3, 2012

Movie Stays True to Book

           The Hunger Games Saga has become an international phenomenon. Its a three book series that sets place in the future country of Panem. The story follows Catniss, a strong and adventurous girl, on her fight against the government and as she battles through the Hunger Games. These books can be read by almost all ages and once you start its hard to put the books down.

The story has a mixture of action, romance and friendship. You learn to love all the characters and you really feel as though you are going through their life's with them. In March of 2012 the first book premiered as a blockbuster hit. It was considered the movie of the spring season. The cast for the movie were picked perfectly and really portrayed the characters well. The movie really stayed true to the book.

For example, it showed exactly how Catniss lives in a poor area and that they will do anything to make it by. There were even things said in the movie that were word for word from the book. This is very rare for books that are made into movies. Another example of how the movie stayed true to the book was how they portrayed the Hunger Games. It showed just how awful and scary the games are. The actors did a great job at showing the fear felt by the characters as they were competing in the Hunger Games. Most of the actions scenes were just how they are in the book and are really close to how you picture the scenes as you read the book. I would strongly recommend reading The Hunger Games and watching the movie. You will become a instant fan.      (287 words)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

St. Louis Bread Co. A.k.a Panera Bread

            Whether your on the road or looking for a nice place to eat lunch on a hot summer day, Panera would be a great choice. Panera is a mix between a fast food joint and a sit down restaurant. It has a warm and inviting atmosphere. The walls are painted pastel colors and they're calming photos on the walls. Panera is known for their fresh and healthy food which is great for athletes, young kids and any who wants to skip that greasy fast food for healthy, and delicious, meals. When you walk in you and either go to the bakery counter or the main counter. The bakery section has many different options like bagels, cookies, cinnamon roles, brownies, cake, muffins and more. You can also order a variety of drinks including smoothies, tea and coffee.

 The other counter is where you order your meals. Panera has so many choices. They offer sandwiches, soups, salads and they also have a kids menu. Along with your meal you get a choice of an apple, chips or baguette. Once you order you can sit down and wait for your name to be called. When it is you go up to the food counter and grab your tray. It usually takes about 5 to 10 minutes for your food to be prepared. On busy days it can take longer but it never takes more than 20 minutes. At larger Paneras instead of calling your name they give you a beeper that will start flashing red when your food is ready.

When you finish eating all you have to do is throw your trash away and put your silverware and bowls into the tub then stack your tray on top of the others. Occasionally, a Panera employee will take our trays for you. The only downside of Panera restaurants is they can get very busy, especially around lunch time. During these busy hours don't expect to get a table right away. You may have to wait for one to open up or you will have to sit at a smaller one. Also the lines can get very long. But I believe when a restaurant is busy I means that people feel that the food is worth waiting for.

Overall, Panera is the best place to eat fresh food with out waiting like you have to do at a sit down restaurant. So next time you are out, stop at panera and I can promise you won't be disappointed.  (413 words)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Who am I?

           Writing about yourself is one of the hardest things to do. We've always been taught not to be selfish, or self-centered, but when asked to write about yourself you do just that. So here we go. I am a somewhat average high school student. I get up and go to class, socialize with my friends, eat lunch, go to more classes, socialize, day dream, check my phone, drive home and then do my evening activities.

 My nights consists of lots of homework, working out and little time for anythings else. Especially sleep. But there are also some unique parts of my life. First off I play hockey. Being a girl who plays hockey in a state where its very unpopular can be challenging. There is a lot of time spent in the car, or on planes, traveling to hockey tournaments. This causes late nights, especially sundays, trying to finish all of my homework after a weekend full of hockey games. I also have to miss a lot of school which definitely makes it hard keep up on all my homework. Right when the hockey season ends tennis starts up. And even through the spring I have hockey on weekends. Trying out for varies camps and tournaments to showcase my skills.

 Being constantly busy seems stressful at the time but in the long run it has taught me very useful skills like time management, hard work and dedication. Then when the summer comes I can finally rest.... Not. I then spend most of my summer at camp. The summer camp is just like the camp from The Parent Trap. Instead of being busy with hockey and school I'm busy watching over kids all day. But it is one of the most rewarding experiences. Being a camp counselor teaches patients, enthusiasm, leadership skills and self confidence. All of these great skills transfer into everyday life which then make you a better friend, student and young adult.

When I'm not busy I like to hang out with my friends, play with my dogs, read and watch movies. My favorite food is peanut butter and my favorite books are the Harry Potter Series.

10 years from now I want to be graduated from college and be working as a Vet. I hope to someday backpack around Europe and travel to every continent. I want to live abroad and become fluent in another language. I hope to have a family and live in a nice house, in a quite neighborhood. But right now I'm just an average high school student trying to get to class on time and working to get an A on my next assignment. Years from now I wish to be more than average but until then I'm just going to enjoy my life and all that comes with it.      (501 words)